Enhancements to the Mandatory Training Requirement for First-Time Directors 新加坡证券交易所监管司宣布加强对首次担任新交所上市公司董事人员的强制性培训要求
On 1 February 2024, Singapore Exchange Regulation (“SGX RegCo”) announced that a director who has no prior experience as a director (“First-time Director”) of an issuer listed on Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”) must undergo training in the roles and responsibilities of a director of a listed issuer as prescribed by the SGX-ST within one year from the date of his appointment to the board (“Mandatory Training”). If any director of a listed issuer which is newly listed on the SGX-ST has not attended any Mandatory Training, such director must attend the mandatory training by the end of the first year of the listed issuer’s listing.
2024 年 2 月 1 日,新加坡证券交易所监管司(简称 “新交所监管司” )宣布,如果有关董事在被委任为新加坡证券交易所(简称 “新交所”)上市发行公司的董事之前并无相关的上市公司董事执业经验 (简称 “首次董事”),那么该首次董事就必须在其被任命为董事会成员之日起的一年期限内,参加并完成新交所指定的上市公司董事职能和责任的特定培训课程(简称 “强制董事培训”)。如果在新交所新上市的公司的董事之前没有参加过强制董事培训,那么该董事必须在该上市公司上市后的第一年内完成该强制董事培训。
SGX RegCo has amended the prescribed training, which is set out in Practice Note 2.3 of the SGX-ST Listing Rules (Mainboard) and Practice Note 4D of the SGX-ST Listing Rules (Catalist) (collectively, the “Practice Notes”), to include an additional training programme option for First-time Directors. To fulfil the Mandatory Training requirements, First-time Directors must attend either the training programme conducted by the Singapore Institute of Directors, or the training programme conducted by the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants and SAC Capital.
In addition to one of the training programmes set out above, First-time Directors of managers of real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) run by the REIT Association Singapore (REITAS) must attend an additional mandatory training programme, which covers specific topics applicable to REITs and REIT managers.
除了上述培训计划之外,由新加坡房地产投资信托协会管理的房地产投资信托管理人的首次董事还必须参加额外的强制性培训计划 —— 该额外培训涵盖了针对房地产信托与房地产信托管理人的特定课题。
These amendments to the Practice Notes take effect from 1 February 2024 and will thus apply to First-time Directors appointed on or after 1 February 2024 as well as First-time Directors of issuers newly listed on the SGX-ST on or after 1 February 2024.