Insights Law assists its client in establishing a Variable Capital Company in Singapore 新加坡智诚律师事务所协助客户在新加坡成功设立可变资本公司

22 November 2022

Insights Law LLC (“Insights Law”) is pleased to have assisted DH Wealth Management Pte. Ltd. (the “Fund Manager”) with the successful establishment of a variable capital company (“VCC”), Capital Management Partners Fund VCC, and the VCC’s sub-fund (the “Sub-Fund”), Cornerstone Commodity Fund, in Singapore. The Sub-Fund has also been entered into the list of Restricted Schemes of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) recently.
新加坡智诚律师事务所很荣幸的协助德化财富管理有限公司(简称 “德化财富”)在新加坡成功设立了名为 Capital Management Partners Fund VCC 的可变资本公司,以及该可变资本公司旗下的名为 Cornerstone Commodity Fund 的子基金。该子基金已经在近期被列入新加坡金融管理局的限制类计划(restricted scheme)。

The Fund Manager is a holder of a capital markets services licence for fund management activities issued by the MAS.

The Insights Law team was led by Dr Qiu Yang (Director) who was assisted by Mr Denzel Chua (Of Counsel).

For more information on VCCs in Singapore, please refer to Insights Law’s 5-part article series below:

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