2 February 2023

Employment Law in Singapore Series Part 6: Employment Disputes 新加坡雇佣法系列 (第六章):雇佣纠纷

Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management (“TADM”) 劳资政纠纷调解联盟

TADM, jointly set up by the Tripartite Partners (i.e. the Ministry of Manpower, National Trades Union Congress and Singapore National Employers Federation), provides advisory and mediation services to help employees and employers manage employment disputes amicably.

TADM provides mediation for the following disputes:

  1. salary-related disputes;
  2. wrongful dismissal claims;
  3. appeals under the Retirement and Re-employment Act 1993 (“RRA”); and
  4. other employment disputes, where appropriate.

Employers and employees should note that salary-related claims and wrongful dismissal claims must first be heard by TADM before they can be heard by the Employment Claims Tribunals (“ECT”).

For claims resolved through mediation, parties will enter into a settlement agreement under the Employment Claims Act 2016. Claims that cannot be resolved through mediation will be issued a claim referral certificate and be referred to the ECT.

ECT 雇佣纠纷索偿庭

Claims heard by the ECT must first be filed at the TADM. The ECT hears the following types of claims for employees:

  1. statutory salary-related claims from all employees covered by the Employment Act 1968 (“EA”), the RRA, and the Child Development Co-Savings Act 2001 (“CDCA”);
    所有符合《雇佣法令1968》(“EA“)、《退休与重新雇佣法令1993》和《儿童发展共同储蓄法令2001》(“CDCA“) 下“雇员“定义的员工与法定薪金有关的纠纷或索赔;
  2. contractual salary-related claims by all employees, except domestic workers, public servants, and seafarers; and
    所有员工 (家庭帮佣、新加坡政府的法定机构的员工或公务员及海员除外) 根据其服务合同与薪金有关的纠纷或索赔;及
  3. wrongful dismissal claims from all employees covered by the EA and CDCA.

The ECT also hears claims initiated by employers for salary in lieu of notice (i.e. where an employee is obliged to pay monetary compensation to the employer for resigning without notice but fails to do so). The maximum amount claimable for a claim heard by the ECT is: (a) up to S$20,000; or (b) up to S$30,000 if parties go through the Tripartite Mediation Framework (“TMF”) or mediation assisted by unions recognised by the Industrial Relations Act 1960 (“IRA”). If the claim exceeds the maximum applicable limit, the claimant may either:
雇佣纠纷索偿庭也有权审理雇主提出的代通知薪金纠纷(即员工在未事先通知雇主而辞职的情况下有义务向雇主支付补偿金,但却未支付该补偿金)。雇佣纠纷索偿庭审理的纠纷的的最高索赔金额为: (a) 不超过20,000 新元;或 (b) 如果各方通过三方调解框架(“TMF”)或在《劳资关系法令1960》(“IRA”)认可的工会的协助下进行调解,则最高索赔金额可达 30,000 新元。如果索赔金额超过前述的最高索赔金额,索赔方可以选择:

  1. choose to forego the excess amount for ECT to hear the claimant’s case; or
  2. file a civil claim to be heard by the Singapore District Court (if the claim amount is S$250,000 and below) or the Singapore High Court (if the claim amount exceeds S$250,000).
    向新加坡地方法院或新加坡最高法院提交民事索赔。索赔金额为250,000 新元或以下的案件一般由地方法院处理,而索赔金额超过 250,000 新元的案件一般则由最高法院处理。

TMF and IRA 三方调解框架与《劳资关系法令1960》

The TMF and IRA allow more employees to benefit from tripartite mediation to resolve employment disputes. All PMEs (i.e. Professionals, Managers, and Executives who are union members in non-unionised companies) and all rank-and-file union members in non-unionised companies are eligible for tripartite mediation.

The TMF covers disputes in relation to:

  1. employment statutory benefits (e.g. disputes relating to salary and leave entitlements);
  2. re-employment;
  3. breach of individual employment contracts;
  4. payment of retrenchment benefits; and
  5. wrongful dismissal.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This memorandum is only intended as a guide and does not purport to be an exhaustive or conclusive discussion of the matters set out herein and should not be relied on as a substitute for definitive legal advice. Reference should always be made to the applicable statutes, the relevant subsidiary legislations and other applicable guidelines. This memorandum is not to be transmitted to any other person nor is it to be relied upon by any other person or for any other purpose or quoted or referred to in any public document or filed with any governmental or other authorities without our consent in writing. This memorandum is limited to the laws of Singapore. In issuing this memorandum, we do not assume any obligation to notify or inform you of any developments subsequent to its date that might render its contents untrue or inaccurate in whole or in part at such later time. If you would like to discuss the implications of these legal developments on your business or obtain advice, please do not hesitate to approach your usual contact at Insights Law LLC or you may direct the inquiry to our key contacts stated above.
