Personal Data Protection Commission (“PDPC”) accepts undertaking by Pu Tien Restaurant Pte Ltd
The PDPC was notified by Pu Tien Restaurant Pte Ltd (the “Organisation”) on 6 December 2021 that it was subject to a ransomware attack on 24 November 2021. A threat actor used stolen administrator account credentials to enter the Organisation’s network and caused the Organisation’s servers containing personal data to be accessed and encrypted by ransomware. Accordingly, the Organisation’s 350 employees’ personal data were encrypted. The personal data included full names, contact numbers, birth certificate and education certificate images, and bank account numbers. There was no evidence of unauthorised transfer of the said personal data.
The Organisation’s remedial actions
To prevent a recurrence of a similar incident, the Organisation took immediate remedial actions to address the cause of the personal data breach. The relevant remedial actions taken include:
- development of policies and procedures in relation to IT security, cyber hygiene, protection, prevention of leakage, and secure disposal of data and incident response;
- implementation of security measures such as anti-virus software, firewall, multi-factor authentication, data encryption, access control, updates, and data back-ups;
- conduct of IT audit reviews on: (i) computer devices, hardware, and software assets to ensure software and operating systems were updated and patched; and (ii) user accounts to ensure all rights assigned were necessary; and
- conduct of cyber and data protection awareness training for key employees who handle personal data.
Where an organisation has breached the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (the “PDPA”), the PDPC has a number of enforcement options under the PDPA, including, but not limited to, imposing directions and/or financial penalties on the relevant organisation.
In this case, the PDPC recognised that the Organisation had made efforts to address the concerns raised and to improve its personal data protection practices. Furthermore, the Organisation was cooperative in the course of the investigation and was responsive to PDPC’s requests for information. The PDPC also recognised that the Organisation was ready to implement or was in the midst of implementing remedial actions to prevent the recurrence of a similar event.
Having considered the factors set out above, the PDPC accepted the Organisation’s undertaking to improve its compliance with the PDPA. The undertaking was executed on 28 July 2022.
On 10 March 2023, the PDPC reviewed the matter and determined that the Organisation had complied with the terms of its undertaking.
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