Enhancements to Singapore’s Work Pass Framework Part 3: Shorter Fair Consideration Framework (“FCF”) Job Advertising Duration and Faster Processing Time for all Employment Pass (“EP”) Applications 新加坡工作准证框架之改进措施(系列三):缩短的公平审议框架(”FCF”)招聘广告持续时间和加快的就业准证(”EP”)申请的处理时间
On 29 August 2022, the Ministry of Manpower (“MOM”), together with the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Communications and Information, announced four enhancements to Singapore’s work pass framework to better attract top talent and experienced tech professionals in areas of skill shortages.
新加坡人力部 (“MOM”) 、新加坡贸易和工业部与新加坡通信和信息部在2022 年 8 月 29 日联合宣布了对新加坡现有工作准证框架的四项改进措施,旨在更好地吸引在技能短缺的领域的顶尖人才和经验丰富的技术专业人士前来新加坡工作、定居。
The four enhancements include:
- the introduction of the Overseas Network & Expertise Pass (“ONE Pass”);
引入顶级专才准证(“ONE Pass”); - a new benchmark pegged to the top 10% of EP holders;
引入与前 10% 的就业准证 (“EP”) 持有人有关的更新的月薪基准; - shorter FCF job advertising duration and faster processing time for all EP applications; and
缩短公平审议框架招聘广告的公式持续时间,并加快所有EP申请的处理时间;以及 - longer EP duration for experienced professionals filling specific tech occupations on the upcoming Complementarity Assessment Framework (“COMPASS”) Shortage Occupation List.
In this article, we discuss the shorter FCF job advertising duration and faster processing time for all EP applications.
If you are interested in learning more about the ONE Pass, please click the link below:
若有兴趣了解更多有关于ONE Pass的信息,请点击我们律所之前发布的微信公众号文章,链接如下:
If you are interested in learning more about the new benchmark pegged to the top 10% of EP holders, please click the link below:
若有兴趣了解更多有关于与前 10% 的就业准证持有人有关的更新的月薪基准,请点击我们律所之前发布的微信公众号文章,链接如下:
Shorter FCF job advertising duration 缩短公平审议框架招聘广告的公式时间
To promote fair employment practices and improve labour market transparency, MOM requires all employers submitting EP and S Pass applications to first advertise on MyCareersFuture (https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/) and fairly consider all candidates.
为促进公平就业实践和提高劳动力市场的透明度,新加坡人力部要求所有提交 EP 和 S 准证申请的雇主首先在 MyCareersFuture (https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/) 的平台上发布招聘广告并公平考虑所有申请者。
MOM announced recently that the FCF job advertising duration will be restored from 28 days to 14 days with effect from 1 September 2022.
In his ministerial statement delivered on 12 September 2022, the Minister of Manpower, Dr. Tan See Leng, explained the reason for the adjustment to the FCF job advertising duration. Dr. Tan explained that when the FCF job advertising requirement was first introduced in 2014, the duration was set at 14 days. 14 days was an optimal balance between giving jobseekers time to look for a job and making sure that companies could fill their vacancies in response to pressing business needs.
新加坡人力部部长陈诗龙博士在 2022 年 9 月 12 日发表的部长声明中解释了调整公平审议框架的招聘广告公式时间的原因。陈博士解释说,当公平审议框架招聘广告要求首次于 2014年推出时,广告持续时间设定为 14 天。就当时的情形而言,14天广告公式时间的长度是在给予求职者充裕时间寻求工作与确保公司能尽快填补职位空缺以满足紧迫的业务需求之间的最佳平衡。
The FCF job advertising duration was extended to 28 days during the COVID-19 pandemic because of the “unprecedented slack in the labour market”, where there were more jobseekers than job openings. The duration was therefore extended to grant local jobseekers more time to respond to job openings and employers more time to evaluate the increased number of applications.
在新冠肺炎大流行期间,公平审议框架的招聘广告持续时间延长至 28 天,原因在于当时 “劳动力市场出现了前所未有的疲软”,僧多粥少的局面。有鉴于此,招聘广告的公式期间被相应延长,旨在让新加坡本地求职者有更多时间回应工作职位空缺,并为雇主提供更多时间来评估增加的就职申请。
Today, there are more job openings than there are local jobseekers. Dr. Tan explained that companies have been giving feedback that the 28-day FCF job advertising requirement is causing them to lose good candidates as they are unable to offer them employment contracts quickly. As such, the FCF job advertising duration should be restored to 14 days to enable companies to move with greater speed and certainty when it comes to hiring.
在如今的后疫情时代,新加坡本地工作职位空缺的数量再次超越了本地求职者。陈博士解释说,新加坡的部分公司反馈道,28天的求职广告公式时间导致了他们无法及时雇佣到一些优秀的求职申请者,原因在于本地公司无法及时的向这些优秀的求职者提供雇佣合同。因此,公平审议框架招聘广告的持续时间应当再次恢复为 14 天,以使本地公司可以更快、更确定的招聘到优秀的员工。
Faster processing time for all EP applications 加快的就业准证申请的处理时间
MOM has also committed to faster processing time for all EP applications. Prior to 29 August 2022, 85% of online EP applications were processed within three weeks. With recent technological upgrades to MOM’s work pass systems, EP applications submitted on or after 29 August 2022 will be processed, or an update will be given to employers within 10 business days.
新加坡人力部还致力于加快所有EP申请的处理时间。在 2022 年 8 月 29 日之前,85% 的线上EP申请在三个星期内得到人力部的处理。随着新加坡人力部工作通行证系统的最新技术升级,2022年8月29日或之后提交的EP申请将在10个工作日内得到相应处理。
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